Sunday, 11 February 2024

Katie Brown has run away

What ever happened to Katie Brown. One can find an answer to this question in her book Unreveled: A Climber's Journey Through Darkness and Back.

In short, she has run away from her demons (her mother and faith) and their dwelling place (climbing).

The book is really sincere. Yes, it is repetitive as our patterns truly are. It's hard to read, but it is also therapeutic. It illustrates double standards regarding women as well as the indifference of medics who never mentioned her apparent underweight as a possible cause of health problems.

The way out of that was tricky, but she is strong enough to cope with all that shit on her own.

Some quotes:
  • My tongue refused to move and my mind was fuzzy with the confusion between what I wanted to say and what I felt like I should say and whether either of those things were the right thing to say.
  • Onsighting was a world where I felt completely, wholly at home. It’s just see how far you can get before you fall, and give it your all. No do-overs.
  • I didn’t like the feeling of wanting things. Wanting things meant dealing with the inevitability of loss, and I needed to shut that down before its tidal wave consumed me. It was safer to not want anything, to be more dead than alive.
  • To go through life feeling like you belonged, rather than feeling like you were taking up space meant for someone else.
  • ...see how far I could get before I fell—my usual approach to onsighting.

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